Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A story of successful surgery

My friend who chose open surgery for his treatment sent me a note yesterday:
We are now at exactly three weeks since the surgery. I was in the hospital
from 5 am Monday to 2 pm on Tuesday. Thanks for the email.
My pain was minimal and I did not have to take a lot of pain meds. I had the
catheter until a week last Thursday - we named it "Peabody the First" (with
an English accent!) The removal of that puppy was a non event thank
goodness! Went back to work last Monday and just took half days for the rest
of the week. The biopsy came back completely clear!! So, I am good to go for
the rest of my life - yehaa! Haven't enjoyed the Depends - but am off of the
undies now am on the small pads for security reasons. Have three more weeks
before I can start working out. Thanks for all of your prayers and thoughts,
it has really meant a lot to me. I guess God has got some more work for me
to do.”

As I've mentioned before, one of the factors making a treatment decision so difficult is the outcomes for the various options are almost identical. I know that sounds counter-intuitive (if every choice is good, how could it be difficult...just pick one and go)...but it's a fact.
For me, yesterday marked thirteen weeks since surgery and, as Lucia noted this morning, I've come a long way.
Here's hoping positive outcomes for everyone.

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