Thursday, January 5, 2012

With apologies to Allen Drury..."Advice and Comment"

One of the reasons I began this blog was to open dialog among men regarding prostate health (never ignoring the important/critical contributions to be made by female partners whose input I welcome and encourage). So far, it's been more of a monologue, but I'm used to talking to fact, if you know me you already know this, I love to hear myself talk.

I'm unsophisticated, untrained, and uninterested in the tactics and strategies of blog maximization. So, in an effort to reach out to more readers, I went to several of the gun owner websites I frequent, figuring I would be targeting a predominately male audience. My plan was to begin discussions in the “non-gun related” forums. And it worked!

While I did not receive a great number of comments, I was able to generate a number of questions (both insightful and surprisingly naive, we've got a lot of educating to do), some very informative responses regarding new treatment options and practical suggestions, and one blistering comment from someone who did not believe I was incontinence-free.

As the comment developed, the author had opted for prostate surgery over a year ago and was still enduring post-surgical effects. I could only offer that I carefully preface any discussion of my experience with a disclaimer that it must not be interpreted as typical. Indeed, I continued, I had fully expected to share his condition for a period of anywhere between a few weeks to more than a year!

Yesterday I received a call from a friend who was reading this blog and had a few questions about my experience as he has recently had a spike in his PSA...that's what I would like this to ultimately become, a place for the exchange of information regarding matters prostate between seekers and those far more qualified than yours truly to provide insight and direction.

1 comment:

  1. Bill, There are always those who do not believe. I'm aware of those who have waited 15 years in denial, never once mentioning it to their better halves.

    Many of us are willing to talk to those who get the news about prostate cancer.

    Also, I encourage ANYONE who is diagnosed, in treatment or even post treatment to visit the OSU Medical Center support group at Martha Morehouse on the 2d wednesday of each month.

    call Patrick DiMeo at 614-293-4646 or e-mail him at for more info

    Or contact me at

    Ken Jones
