Monday, January 16, 2012

One more milestone

Very early in the history of this blog I identified six milestones for every Prostate Cancer survivor who opts for surgery. In addition to these general milestones, there are personal goals we establish for ourselves as we move through recovery.

For me, a return to running was a milestone that, at the time of surgery, seemed to exist in the distant future, but this morning I hit the road for the first time. I didn't run far (just a bit more than a mile) and I didn't run well (but then again...I never did), but I got up, got dressed for the 19 degree morning, and got out there.

If you happen to be a pilot, you know we never forget our first solo flight; we also never forget how marginal were our piloting skills at the time. But the act of taking off and returning safely to the ground three times did more for our confidence than we could have realized at the moment.

Much like a student pilot, this morning's run was a real confidence boost. No stitches popped, nothing leaked (a real concern), and my legs have not forgotten what to do (my lungs, on the other hand, need some work). I'll slowly build my distance before I even think about speed, and I have a race at the end of April as a goal toward which I'm working.

Goals are important...indeed, goals are essential in recovery. Be prudent in choosing goals, pay attention to the guidelines provided by your surgical team, then...get out there and fly!

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