Saturday, November 26, 2011

Flashback: 15 Hours to surgery

We arrived at the hotel near the hospital and hauled our considerable supplies upstairs. The room was comfortable with a great view of the river.

As my "prep" didn't begin for an hour or so, we drove over to the hospital to locate the entrance, then stopped for some coffee at a restaurant.

At 5:00pm, I began drinking what would be three liters of liquid laxative in three hours. Having never had this particular routine before, I asked a friend, and remarkable nurse, Peg Lougman ( henceforward to be known as Peg the Wonder Nurse), how to get through the volume of nasty stuff.

If you learn nothing else from my experience, this will help if you are faced with a similar requirement. Peg told me to suck on a fresh lemon before and after each 8 ounce dose until complete. It works! I had no difficulty whatsoever. Oh yeah, and keep the liquid as cold as possible.

The next several hours were spent waiting for the liquid to do its work...then waiting for it to complete its work.

We awakened around 3:45am to shower and prepare for our 5:15am departure for the hospital. I was surprisingly relaxed...empty, but relaxed. Anxious...a bit. Ready to get this behind me...without question.

Next up....checking in and pre-op.

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