Yesterday I had an inspired thought (a rarity for me). Why not promote my blog on sites with a primarily male audience since I'm trying to expand discussion among men? Logical...duh!
So I posted on the three primary gun owner sites I frequent. I received a great number of responses and traffic on the blog skyrocketed. I heard from a number of men who had been diagnosed who reported on their treatment decisions and post treatment experience.
But the insight came from those responses that detailed colonoscopy results finding polyps, but no prostate problems...others private messaged me to ask me what a prostate does and how it is checked.
We have a lot of educating to do. These were not dumb men, simply men who had never received any information regarding prostate health...which is sad in light of the position prostate disease ranks among men.
Please talk about the issue with your friends, sons, sons-in-law...OK, not around the Christmas dinner table, but when the opportunity presents itself. There are a number of good websites on the topic I'll publish at a later date; and if you know of good websites, please let me know so I may add them to the list.
Yet another killer we can stop with education and early detection.
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