Wednesday, December 28, 2011

I have not had a baby!

Five weeks and two days after surgery I'm spending my second full day at work and feeling pretty good. However, I was reminded last evening that I've still got recovering to do.

During a conversation with Lucia over Manhattans and hors d'oeuvres, I happened to say something I found incredibly funny (I often think I'm one of the funnest people I know)...anyway, I began to laugh heartily and, for the first time, suddenly leaked! Not much, just a few drops, but enough for me to notice. I was stunned; I had expected to experience some exercise induced leaking when I resume running in a few weeks...but not laughing!

I have been doing so well in every area of recovery. Thought I had all the bases covered until, as Roy Clark sang (sort of) "A little bitty drop let me down." Guess I'm gonna break out the pads for New Years Eve as I expect to be hysterically funny that night.

Lucia's response, intended to make me feel better, was to assure me that every woman who has had a baby occasionally leaks when laughing or sneezing (Oh shit, you mean this could happen when I sneeze?). Obviously it was not exactly what I wanted to hear.

Because I had, up until this moment, been waayyyyy ahead of schedule I had stopped the Kegels (restarted those immediately), stopped the Viagra (hand me that little blue pill), and decided I have had enough rest.

I needed to be reminded of the impact of prostate surgery, and the importance of not taking shortcuts to recovery. A trauma has been experienced, and I need to respect the healing process...all of it.

What the heck, maybe I'll just be mildly amusing New Years Eve...naw, I really get a kick out of me. Besides, I have not had a baby, dammit.

1 comment:

  1. Whew! So that's what I raced home to read about, eh, my leaky, but gutsy, friend?

    Bill Millikin
