Monday, March 12, 2012

A very brief Un-update

Update on my continuing conversation with The American Red Cross:  Last week (see March 6 post "The Red Cross punts") I reported on my experience attempting to discern why I am not permitted to donate blood despite a piece of paper certifying I am cancer free (a certificate I'm willing to bet most people do not have) update as I have yet to receive the promised follow-up phone call.  Thus, un-update.
Over the weekend, I received another of the newsletters to which I subscribe (it's not a health newsletter, but carries reports from a number of disciplines).  This edition has a brief article about a study from an internationally known health clinic in Cleveland.  The article refers to the sixteen percent of American men who will develop prostate cancer. The study finds men who take Avodart, Proscar, or Propecia for benign enlarged prostate have a twenty-six percent lower risk of developing prostate cancer...but those who do have a slightly elevated chance of the cancer being of the more aggressive type.  
I'm not sure what to do with this information.

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