Friend and radio legend Gregg Campbell, who holds several academic records as a result of his singular college career, sent me the following link to an article entitled:
“New Data on the Harms of Prostate Cancer Testing”
Once again we are treated to the drum beat to eliminate PSA testing from our arsenal of weapons in the fight against prostate cancer.
We're being set up. Of course, the odds are in favor of most prostate cancers to be slow growing and non-lethal (non-lethal only because something else gets us first), so why not just not test, prevent potentially unnecessary and expensive (that's the key) treatment, and let the unfortunate few die? After all, we live too long and, as a consequence, consume too many Medicare/Medicaid dollars anyway. And there are those “harms” associated with screening.
The unfortunate few include a growing number of friends, and sons of friends, who have died of prostate cancer. These are not numbers, these are people. People who would, I imagine, be happy to endure “harms” in place of a pine box.